Monday, February 16, 2009

Economics What?

I just took my first economics test for this semester, which btw I'm having to retake bc I've failed once before! I don't know what it is about this subject but you're girl does not get it. All this supply and demand, market eqilibrium, blah blah... I haven't decided if its the concepts I don't understand, the graphs throw me off, or that theres just too much information to retain and apply. I will admit my professors really good but its my brain I'm a little worried about! (I wonder if I'm starting to see some side effects of past decisions Ive made- Im pretty sure the Lord has restored what the enemy stole!)

Anyway I took the test and now my brain feels as if its dying- I wander if Im just not able to take that much challenge at one time?!? I need a nap now but still have one more class to go- ahh sometimes I wonder why Im back at school... that makes me want to sing the song Billy Madison sang on his first day back at school... "back to school, back to school, hope my dad thinks Im not a fool...." I think thats how it goes...

Anyway schools a good thing... I think (at least Im trying to think it is!) Wow... the Lord's moving!

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